On Friday we had a local athletics competition: where 8
schools from Mokhtolong town competed against each other in track athletics
from 100 metre to 3000 metre races. It was part of a bigger competition, so
every primary school in Lesotho took part in a day like this. The 3 winners
from each race will go through to the district competition next Friday; and the
3 winners from those races go to the national competition at the end of the
month. After that, the national winners will go on to the southern Africa
athletics competition in Botswana, so there is a great prize for those who do
At this stage however, it was a friendly local sports day; and
a good day out for everyone, whether they were racing or not. Most of the town
schoolchildren came, and each school took up a position around the track to
cheer on their athletes. Everyone chanted songs and danced through the day.
Some of the race winners were collected by their schoolmates and carried high
across the field.
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